21 Mar Alexandra Pace for ŻfinMalta’s Movimento: Freeze, Loop, Reverse
On the 29th March, Alexandra Pace joins us to present ‘Freeze, Loop, Reverse,’ her experience of movement and understanding it through art, for ŻfinMalta’s second movimento of the season…
As a curater and artist, she tells us more about what we can expect from her session at Valletta Design Cluster, (Oliver Friggieri Hall) and an introduction to the artistic journey she is currently on herself.
Alexandra Pace
‘Freeze, Loop. Reverse’
29th March 2022, 18:30, Valletta Design Cluster
What is your relationship with ŻfinMalta?
I have always been an avid follower of ŻfinMalta ever since it was first founded and have experienced numerous performances, always thoroughly enjoying seeing the company evolve. It was great honour and pleasure to be invited to collaborate with ŻfinMalta on photographing the visuals for the 2021/22 programme and when I look at the images, I see pure collaboration and a reminder of a beautiful experience. I’m curious to see what other collaborations may unfold in the future.

'Time and movement are the backbone of my work, they are also the elusive element that my work constantly tries to contain. Very often, the failure of which, results in the actual work itself.'
How would you describe yourself and your work at this moment in time?

How important is time and movement in your work?
Do you find a significant overlap in your role as a curator and artist, and the role of perhaps a choreographer or the role of ŻfinMalta in the current arts scene?

What do you want to say with your art at the moment and why is it important?
What can we expect from your Movimento talk?

When: 29th March 2022, 18:30
Where: Valletta Design Cluster (Oliver Friggieri Hall)
Duration: Approximately 1 hour
Age: 12+