Call for Producer

Expression of Interest – Services of a Producer for ŻfinMalta National Dance Company


Sejħa għal esperessjoni ta’ interess għal Producer għall-ŻfinMalta



ŻfinMalta National Dance Company creates and commissions extraordinary dance which engages and resonates with audiences, celebrating the spirit of Maltese culture in the contemporary world.


We are looking for an experienced and entrepreneurial Producer with demonstrable experience in arts management including fundraising, project and finance management.


The Producer will book and manage tours in the Maltese Islands and Internationally and will develop artistic productions and projects, work closely with Artistic Director, Paolo Mangiola to realise his vision for the company.

Since its set up, ŻfinMalta has pioneered fresh thinking about contemporary dance in the Maltese islands. We work with the best dancers and choreographers from the Maltese islands and across the world to create innovative productions for our audiences, aspiring for everything we create to be world class artistic quality.


We are committed to producing work which shows the best that an outward looking, contemporary Malta can produce. We aim to ignite greater interest in dance in the nation through productions which resonate with communities across the Maltese islands.

Service Required:


  • The services of a producer are required for 32 hours a week, flexible, including working on weekends and evening, particularly during production week and performances




  • This is a contract for service for a 36-month period subject to a probationary period of 12 months.
  • The contract provider shall be paid €24,000 excl VAT per annum payable in monthly instalments pro-rata.




  • Company office, Valletta. The post holder will need to be based in Malta




  • to The Board of Directors



The Producer is a member of the Administration Team, that is under the direction of the Agency Administrator and Artistic Director


  • To implement the artistic vision with the Artistic Director
  • To be responsible for planning and developing specified artistic projects and for national and international touring.
  • To proactively identify and develop production opportunities.
  • To support the achievement of business, financial and audience development objectives.
  • To Travel in Malta and internationally when required. Some work will require to be carried out in the evening and on weekends, with adequate advance notice provided
  • To identify and develop funding and sponsorship opportunities

Principal duties


  • Under the direction of the Administrator and Artistic Director, to work on artistic company planning and development, including productions, domestic and international touring, projects and partnerships
  • To get ŻfinMalta booked at foreign Festivals, performances and tours
  • To originate ideas for artistic projects in collaboration with the Artistic Director
  • To identify and develop local, national and international partnerships and performance opportunities including commissions and co-productions
  • To identify and work with international agents
  • To represent the company at Trade Fairs and Festivals
  • To produce projects and productions from inception to completion, including writing artistic concepts, budgets, and project management in collaboration and under the supervision with the Administrator
  • To provide information and papers for the Board as required
  • To work with the Artistic Director and Board to identify fundraising prospects, write proposals, and to pitch and manage relationships with donors and supporters in line with Public Procurement Regulations
  • To schedule logistical aspects of productions, projects and touring with support from the secretary and liaise with the Administrator, Production Manager and Artistic Coordinator
  • To ensure realistic audience targets are set and monitor progress with the Administrator
  • To contribute to the creation and roll out of the business plan together with the Administrator
  • To help to maintain positive, productive relationships with Arts Council Malta and other stakeholders
  • To contribute written content for the Dance Company’s website
  • To contribute towards the writing of Press Releases and interviews articles for PR & Marketing purposes
  • To abide by Maltese Public Procurement Regulations


This job description is indicative of the responsibilities and duties associated with this position. It is neither restrictive nor inclusive.

Person specification



  • MQF level 7 qualification required preferably in the arts, business administration or cultural management
  • At least three years’ experience in arts management, preferably within a producing environment
  • Thorough knowledge of the performing arts
  • Current knowledge of the arts environment in the Maltese Islands
  • Current knowledge of public and private funding in Malta
  • A track record of successful fundraising
  • Experience of financial management and reporting, including creating and managing budgets and financial analysis
  • Excellent written and communication skills
  • Excellent people management skills
  • Skilled negotiator
  • Proven ability to work collaboratively with a range of partners
  • A highly motivated team player



  • Experience of booking international tours
  • Tour booking experience with dance companies
  • Wide knowledge of the dance sector locally and internationally
  • Experience of delivering a business plan or strategy
  • Experience of working with marketing and PR specialists
  • Experience of working with a Board of Directors
  • Experience of applying to Creative Europe
  • Languages

Selection Process


The Company / Person interested in providing this service shall be interviewed by a selection board.


To apply please send an email to with your CV and a cover letter providing details of your previous experiences as well as how your skills and expertise will contribute to the growth of ZfinMalta. Max 500 words.

Deadline for applications: 1st February 2022 5.00 p.m. GMT+1


Interviews will take place on the week starting 7th February 2021.


Shortlisted candidates will be notified close to the date.


For information kindly write to



ŻfinMalta l-Kumpanija Nazzjonali taż-Żfin toħloq u tikkummissjoni żfin straordinarju li jiġbed l-udjenzi, filwaqt li jiċċelebra l-ispirtu tal-kultura Maltija f’dinja kontemporanja.


ŻfinMalta qed tfittex Producer, imprenditur li għandu esperjenza fl-immaniġġjar tal-arti fosthom fil-ġbir ta’ fondi, amministrazzjoni ta’ proġetti u finanzi.


Il-Producer jibbukkja u jieħu ħsieb tours u produzzjonijiet kemm lokali kif ukoll internazzjonali. Dan filwaqt li jiżviluppa produzzjonijiet u proġetti artistiċi, u jaħdem fil-qrib mad-Direttur Artistiku Paolo Mangiola, biex jagħtu ħajja lill-viżjoni artistika tal-kumpanija.

Fl-aħħar erba’ snin, mit-twaqqif tagħha, ŻfinMalta ġabet magħha mod ġdid kif il-gżejjer Maltin iħarsu lejn iż-żfin kontemporanju. Ħdimna mal-aqwa żeffiena u korijografi mill-gżejjer Maltin u minn madwar id-dinja biex noħolqu produzzjonijiet innovattivi għall-udjenzi tagħna, bl-aspirazzjoni li kulma noħolqu ikun ta’ kwalità artistika dinjija.


ŻfinMalta impennjata li tipproduċi xogħol li juri l-aqwa kwalità li Malta kontemporanja, li dejjem tħares ‘il quddiem, tista’ tipproduċi. L-għan tagħna hu li nqanqlu aktar interess fiż-żfin fil-pajjiż, permezz ta’ produzzjonijiet li jintlaqgħu tajjeb mill-komunitajiet madwar il-gżejjer Maltin.

Servizzi Meħtieġa:


  • Is-servizz ta’ producer huma meħtieġa għal 32 siegħa fil-ġimgħa, b’ħinijiet flessibli, inkluż xogħol matul il-weekends u filgħaxijiet, partikolarment matul ġimgħat ta’ produzzjoni u prestazzjonijiet.




  • Dan huwa kuntratt għal servizz għal perjodu ta’ sitta u tletin xahar (36)  suġġett għal perjodu ta’ prova ta’ tnax-il xahar.
  • Il-persuna magħżula titħallas €24,000 eskl. VAT fis-sena, bil-ħlas isir fix-xahar, pro-rata.




  • L-uffiċini tal-kumpanija, il-Belt Valletta. Il-persuna magħżula trid tkun ibbażata Malta.




  • lill-Bord tad-Diretturi.



Il-Producer huwa membru tas-Senior Management Team, flimkien mad-Direttur Artistiku u l-Amministratur.


  • Biex timplimenta tal-viżjoni artistika tad-Direttur Artistiku
  • Biex tkun responsabbli għall-ippjanar u l-iżvilupp ta’ proġetti artistiċi speċifiċi u għal touring lokali u internazzjonali
  • Biex b’mod proattiv tidentifika u tiżviluppa opportunitajiet għall-produzzjoni
  • Biex tappoġġja il-ksieb tal-objettivi tan-negozju, finanzjarji u l-iżvilupp u tkabbir tal-udjenzi
  • Biex tivvjaġġa f’Malta u internazzjonalment fejn meħtieġ. Xi xogħol ikollu bżonn jitwettaq filgħaxijiet u fi tmiem il-ġimgħa. Il-persuna tkun avżata minn qabel
  • Biex tidentifika u tiżviluppa opportunitajiet ta’ finanzjament u sponsors

Speċifikazzjonijiet dwar il-persuna



  • Kwalifiċi f’livell 7 tal-MQF preferibbilment fl-arti, amministrazzjoni tan-negozju jew immaniġjar kulturali
  • Minn tal-anqas tliet snin esperjenza fl-immaniġjar tal-arti, preferibbilment f’ambjent ta’ produttur
  • Għarfien tajjeb tal-arti performattiva
  • Għarfien kurrenti tas-settur tal-arti fil-gżejjer Maltin
  • Għarfien kurrenti ta’ kif jaħdmu fondi pubbliċi u privati f’Malta
  • Track Record ta’ organizzazzjoni b’suċċess, ta’ ġbir ta’ fondi
  • Esperjenza fl-immaniġjar tal-finanzi u rappurtar­­­, fosthom biex toħloq u timmaniġja baġits u analiżi finanzjarja
  • Ħiliet eċċellenti fil-kitba u l-kommunikazzjoni
  • Ħiliet eċċellenti fl-immaniġġjar tan-nies
  • Negozjatur kapaċi
  • Kapaċità biex taħdem u tikkollabora ma’ diversi persuni
  • Persuna mmotivata li kapaċi taħdem tajjeb f’tim



  • Esperjenza fl-ibbukkjar ta’ tours nazzjonali
  • Esperjenza fl-ibbukkjar ta’ tours ma’ kumpaniji taż-żfin
  • Għarfien vast tas-settur taż-żfin lokali u internazzjonali
  • Esperjenza fil-kapaċità li timplimenta pjan għan-negozju jew strateġija
  • Esperjenza taħdem ma’ speċjalisti tal-marketing u l-PR
  • Esperjenza taħdem ma’ Bord ta’ Diretturi
  • Esperjenza fl-applikazzjonijiet għal Creative Europe
  • Għarfien ta’ lingwi

Proċess tal-għażla


Il-Kumpanija/Persuna interessata li tipprovdi s-servizz issirilha intervista minn bord tas-silezzjoni.


Biex tapplika, ibgħat email fuq b’CV u ittra li tinkludi dettalji tal-esperjenza li għandek f’dan il-qasam, kif ukoll il-ħiliet u l-kapaċitajiet tiegħek li jistgħu jikkontribwixxu għat-tkabbir ta’ ŻfinMalta. Massimu ta’ 500 kelma.

L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jintbagħtu mhux iktar tard mill-1 ta’ Frar 2022, fil-5.00 p.m. GMT+1


L-intervisti se jsiru fil-ġimgħa tas-7 ta’ Frar.


L-applikanti magħżula għall-intervisti jkunu avżati fil-jiem ta’ qabel.


Għal aktar informazzjoni ibgħat ittre fuq