Apprenticeship Programme

Apprenticeship Programme


ŻfinMalta National Dance Company, is seeking a female and a male apprentice dancer aged between 18 and 22, to complete its artistic team for the coming season, with auditions being held between the 8th and 10th of June this year. The two selected applicants will be offered a paid contract to train with the company from September 2020 up until July 2021.


What will the apprenticeship entail?

In the coming weeks ŻfinMalta will be issuing a public call for applications for local dancers between the ages of 18 and 22, with the aim of finding a male and a female dancer to join the company as apprentices. The apprenticeship will be on a full-time basis from around October till the beginning of July. The chosen candidates will be working with the company from Monday to Saturday between 10.00 a.m., starting with company class, till 6.00 p.m. The apprentices will also have the opportunity to work with several local and international choreographers and perform alongside ŻfinMalta’s dancers during the company’s several productions and performances. The dancers will also be given guidance by the Artistic Director, senior company dancers, and a mentor who’s role will be specifically aimed to work hand in hand with the apprentices and help their formation into professional dancers.


How will the selection process work?

Following registration and application, selected applicants might be given the opportunity to join online company classes, over the coming weeks. They will eventually also be called in for auditions in June. Out of the selected candidates that will be called for auditions, one male and one female dancer will be selected to join the company.


What are we looking for?

ŻfinMalta is looking for a Maltese resident male and female dancer between the age of 18 (turning 18 by December 2020) and 21. Dancers need to have strong technique, an advanced level of classical training and training in contemporary dance, and possess excellent coordination skills. Female dancers need to be confident en pointe.


What are the apprentices expected to get out of this programme?

The chosen apprentices can expect to get a paid contract of approximately 35 weeks. During their journey with ŻfinMalta, they will receive training of the highest international standards through working with a professional dance company. They will also be mentored to nurture a more professional work attitude that is suitable for working in a professional dance environment, offered knowledge of how to prepare professional dance CV’s, showreels and professional portfolios, and knowledge about auditioning for professional dance companies, whether locally or internationally. They will also gain experience performing alongside highest quality local and international company members, and might earn the chance to become a future company dancer, or get recommendations for international dance companies.




Official Call:



ŻfinMalta, Malta’s National Dance Company, under the artistic direction of Paolo Mangiola, is holding an audition for 1 female and 1 male apprentice dancers.

Dancers must possess excellent coordination skills, a solid background in classical ballet and contemporary dance practices, and have the ability to adapt quickly to various working methods and processes. Female dancers should feel confident with pointe work.

Applicants need to be between 18 years (turning 18 by 31st December 2020) and 22 years of age.

Applicants are asked to fill in the application form by clicking on the button below and include a headshot and full body shot, a CV, and a link to a short video which should not exceed 2 minutes.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to auditions between the 8th to the 10th of June 2020. Auditions will be held at the ŻfinMalta dance studios, located at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta.



ŻfinMalta will put in place all necessary precautionary measures to ensure the health and safety of both applicants and staff:

  • The shortlisted applicants will be called into the studio 3 at a time, and the 2 meter distance rule will apply.
  • Shortlisted applicants will have their temperature read upon entry to the Mediterranean Conference Centre.
  • The wearing of face masks at all times shall be compulsory.
  • Shortlisted applicants will also be asked to take a COVID-19 test 2 to 3 days prior to auditions, and will need to present a negative result before entering the studio.


Please note that audition dates are subject to change in accordance to any directives and restrictions that might be implemented by the Health Authorities.


Following the 10th June, selected dancers will be called back to work with company dancers between the 11th and 13th of June.

Successful applicants will be offered a paid contract with ŻfinMalta National Dance Company from September 2020 to July 2021.

This call for audition is for Maltese residents only.

Application deadline is Wednesday 3rd June at 17:00 hours.






ŻfinMalta, il-Kumpanija Nazzjonali taż-Żfin taħt id-direzzjoni artistika ta’ Paolo Mangiola, se tkun qed tagħmel awdizzjonijiet għal żeffiena apprentisti.

Iż-żeffiena għandhom ikollhom koordinazzjoni eċċellenti, bażi b’saħħitha fil-ballet klassiku u fiż-żfin kontemporanju, kif ukoll ikunu kapaċi jadattaw faċilment għall-metodi u stili differenti użati minn koreografi varji. Żeffiena femminili għandhom ikunu kunfidenti fil-pointe work.

L-applikanti jrid ikollhom bejn it-18 (jagħlqu 18 sal-31 ta’ Diċembru 2020) u t-22 sena.

L-applikanti huma mitluba jimlew il-formola tal-applikazzjoni billi jagħfsu l-buttuna t’hawn taħt u jinkludu ritratt tal-wiċċ u ieħor tal-persuna sħiħa, flimkien ma’ CV, u filmat qasir ta’ mhux iktar minn żewġ minuti.

L-applikanti magħżula jiġu mistiedna jattendu l-provi bejn it-8 u l-10 ta’ Ġunju 2020, fl-istudjow taż-żfin ta’ ŻfinMalta, ġewwa Dar il-Mediterran għall-Konferenzi, il-Belt Valletta.


Prekawzjonijiet għall-COVID-19

Żfinmalta se tkun qed tieħu l-prekawzjonijiet kollha neċessarji biex tassigura s-saħħa u s-sigurtà tal-applikanti u l-impjegati:

  • Ġewwa l-istudju ser jissejħu mhux iktar minn tliet applikanti magħżula fl-istess ħin, u se jintalbu jżommu distanza ta’ żewġ metri bejniethom.
  • It-temperatura tal-applikanti magħżula ser tittieħed mad-dħul fid-Dar il-Mediterran għall-Konferenzi.
  • L-użu tal-maskri f’kull ħin ser ikun obbligatorju.
  • L-applikanti magħżula se jintalbu wkoll sabiex jittestjaw lilhom infushom għall-COVID-19 bejn jumejn u tliet ijiem qabel il-provi, u riżultat negattiv għandu jiġi preżentat qabel ma jidħlu fl-istudjow.


Il-ġranet tal-awdizzjonijiet jistgħu jinbiddlu skont il-ħtieġu mekk jiżdiedu jew jitnaqqsu xi direttivi u restrizzjonijiet mill-Awtoritajiet tas-Saħħa.


Iż-żeffiena li jgħaddu mill-fażi tal-ewwel awdizzjoni jiġu mistiedna biex jaħdmu maż-żeffiena tal-kumpanija bejn il-11 u t-13 ta’ Ġunju.

Iż-żeffiena li jintgħażlu mbagħad jiġu offruti kuntratt tax-xogħol biex jingħaqdu ma’ ŻfinMalta minn Settembru 2020 sa Lulju 2021.

Din is-sejħa hija miftuħa għal residenti Maltin biss.

L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu sa nhar l-Erbgħa 3 ta’ Ġunju sal-17.00.