Artist in Residence

  • Personal Details / Dettalji Personali

  • Proposal / Proposta

  • Let us know of the motivation behind your application (max 500 words / 3000 characters) / Spjega għalfejn qiegħed tapplika għal dan il-programm (mhux iktar minn 500 kelma / 3000 karattri)
  • How would the residency would support your process? (max 500 words / 3000 characters) / X’benefiċċju jista’ jkollha din ir-residenza għall-proċess tiegħek? (mhux iktar minn 500 kelma / 3000 karattri)
  • Outline the ideal participatory scenario for your residency / Iddeskrivi x-xenarju parteċipattiv ideali għar-residenza tiegħek
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 256 MB, Max. files: 1.
      Upload a file (PDF) / Tella’ dokument (PDF)
    • Reference to work / Referenza għal Xogħol

    • Max 200 words / 2000 characters / Massimu ta’ 200 kelma / 2000 karattri
    • Max 200 words / 2000 characters / Massimu ta’ 200 kelma / 2000 karattri
    • Drop files here or
      Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 25 MB.
        Upload relevant CVs and further documentation, merging them into one file, no more than 25MB (JPG, PNG, PDF) / Tella is-CV u dokumentazzjoni ulterjuri f’dokument wieħed ta’ mhux iktar minn 25MB (JPG, PNG, PDF)
      • Residency month preference / Preferenza Tax-Xahar Ta’ Residenza